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/ The PC-SIG Library 9 / The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso / 501_600 / DISK0510 / DISK0510.ZIP

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Text (30)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AUTOEXEC.BAT DOS Batch File 2 128b 1985-08-08
BOX Text File 33 896b 1985-08-08
COLOR Text File 18 512b 1985-08-08
EDIT.BAT DOS Batch File 7 128b 1985-08-08
ERR.TXT Text File 102 8KB 1985-08-08
FILEDEMO Text File 27 896b 1985-08-08
FILES510.TXT Text File 27 1KB 1986-05-07
FIRST1 Text File 17 640b 1985-08-08
G.BAT DOS Batch File 16 384b 1985-08-08
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 15 363b 1986-05-07
INKEY Text File 23 640b 1985-08-08
KEYDFINE Text File 13 384b 1985-08-08
LISTER Text File 24 768b 1985-08-08
MANUAL.1 Text File 926 27KB 1985-08-08
MANUAL.2 Text File 1,598 52KB 1985-11-13
MATH Text File 25 640b 1985-08-08
MODESW Text File 11 256b 1985-08-08
NOTES510.TXT Text File 18 592b 1980-01-01
PATTERN Text File 51 1KB 1985-08-08
PRETTY2 Text File 253 7KB 1985-08-08
PRINTMAN.BAT DOS Batch File 5 128b 1985-08-08
RUN.BAT DOS Batch File 19 384b 1985-08-08
SECOND1 Text File 22 512b 1985-08-08
SOUNDS Text File 18 384b 1985-08-08
SOUNDS2 Text File 28 640b 1985-08-08
STRINGS Text File 22 512b 1985-08-08
TESTCASE Text File 22 512b 1985-08-08
TURTLE Text File 106 2KB 1985-08-08
WEATHER Text File 28 640b 1985-08-08
WORDS Text File 15 512b 1985-08-08

Other Files (3)
VISBUG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 20KB 1985-08-08
VISED.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 21KB 1985-08-08
VISPAS.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26KB 1985-08-08